Wednesday, October 18, 2017

More about goats!

It’s been a tumultuous week. My husband Paul has spent the last eight days recovering from a terrible allergic reaction to a prescribed drug. Although it looks like he will be o.k., the doctors agree that it may take 2 to 3 MONTHS before he fully recovers. His symptoms ranged from a swollen, angry-red leg (thankfully not a blood clot) and crippling back spasms which resulted in an ambulance ride to the emergency room. Now on the other side of the active reaction, we are so thankful that it wasn’t worse. He is up and taking short walks and slowly getting back to doing the things he enjoys.

And lately I’m drawn to goats! This week’s painting, Josie, 8” x 10” on 300 lb. Watercolor paper, captures a baby goat playing “king of the hill” on rocks in a sunny pasture.   

To see more paintings, visit my website, And I’d love to visit with you about painting your favorite photograph – just send a request to my email at


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sailboat at sunset

The Grand Marais harbor acts like a magnet for photographers and artists with its iconic lighthouse, anchored sailboats and spectacular sunsets. This week’s painting, Sunset Mooring, 10” x 14” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures the light of the setting sun silhouetting a moored sailboat.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Plein Air #2 – September Surf

One of the joys of participating in the recent Grand Marais Plein Air event was the opportunity to see and experience some of the beautiful vistas dotting the North Shore of Minnesota. For me, a highlight of the event surely was the Sunday morning I spent painting on the beach at Naniboujou Lodge. If you haven’t been there before, be sure to put it on your bucket list! Built in 1929 as a getaway for wealthy investors, it’s now a welcoming inn for all visitors – even offering to pack lunches for day-trip hikers. In addition to its spectacular dining room, it’s located on an especially picturesque section of the lakeshore, and I was thrilled when the owners granted me permission to set up my easel on the hill just off the beach.

I had a breathtaking view of the big lake, trees beginning to take on the colors of fall, and beachcombers relaxing on the many Adirondack chairs or trekking slowly up and down the shoreline. It was a beautiful day – with warm sunshine, soft breezes, and lightly rolling waves on the beach – and it was made all the more special by the many folks I met! It was especially fun to take a brief break and visit with visitors from Thunder Bay, Ontario. It seems there is a group that comes down every Sunday to partake in the wonderful breakfast buffet in the lodge dining room.

This second plein air painting is titled: September Surf, 8” x 10” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, and reflects the incredible view of Lake Superior along Naniboujou beach.