Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Nacarat reflection

With the woods arrayed in the full spectrum of fall colors, it is such a treat to be outdoors and enjoy the cooler temps. This past weekend, I traveled with long-time girlfriends to the Bayfield Apple Fest. It’s always a wonderful experience to drive north and the Bayfield/Washburn area is especially beautiful – spectacular views of Lake Superior, overflowing baskets of blooming flowers on every light pole, yummy apple treats, friendly folks and eclectic art.  In spite of the rain, it was the perfect combination to make it an outstanding trip!

This week’s painting, Nova Scotia Waters, is 6” x 12” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, and this offshore scene seems to reflect the colors of this special season. I love the bright-orange boat moored in the harbor – in an old-language dictionary, one of the terms for this intense shade of color is “nacarat.” That seems like an excellent identifier for it!