Sunday, April 19, 2020

April Sunshine

The temperatures don’t indicate that spring is here, but the sunshine and length of days certainly do! As an avid gardener, I’m so grateful for the increasing light and the slightly warmer days. While I can’t plant anything for about another month (and will the garden centers be open then?!), I’m happy to be out cleaning up the yard, burning brush, fixing the stone wall damaged in last year’s storm, and moving spring-blooming plants to a new garden in the front yard. It is so energizing to be out in the fresh air!

This week’s painting reminds me of the rush of spring – Foggy Hollow, 9” x 12” celebrates the lifting of morning fog over blue-shadowed hills and the sounds of a rushing river along an ancient stone wall.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Reflecting Grace

It’s Easter weekend, and we are so missing gathering and celebrating this special time of the year with our family. As the weeks of “lockdown” continue, it seems to be harder for me to stay focused and on track. I’m finding it’s critical to build structure into my day. Otherwise, it’s gets easier to sleep late, wander around the house for a few hours, and finally get going on a project about noon! But Paul is a great partner and we are doing well at working to find purpose in our lives each day as well as tackling spring jobs - getting the yard cleaned up, the fun garden art out of the shed and today, while I was painting, he even cleaned out the garage! Yay!

I’m continuing to think about of the incredible gift of grace. This week’s painting is inspired by a photo taken by professional photographer, Jan Swart. She is dedicated to getting up early each day and taking a new picture of some beautiful sight on the North Shore of Minnesota. Reflecting Grace, is a 9” x 12” watercolor painting, and for me, this seems a fitting title. In spite of the uncertainty of our world, we are blessed by the deep, deep grace inherent in God’s creation with the daily ritual of a spectacular sunrise and sunset.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Grace for the Day

They say being near water is amazingly healing in times of stress and anxiety. Certainly, in this time of quarantine, I’ve had moments of high anxiety. Some days it’s hard to settle my spirit and focus on tasks or even follow through and finish a painting. I’m finding it’s essential for me to set up an agenda for each day – to plan activities and set aside time to be in the front of my easel and paint even when I don’t feel especially inspired. And through this time of being apart from dear family and friends, I’ve been thinking about grace. It’s a free gift – one that we certainly don’t deserve – and yet each day, we are given grace. In grace, we receive God’s forgiveness and in turn, we can respond with grace to those around us. Being kind, taking the time to listen, stepping up to help, and literally being the hands and feet of Christ in a desperate world.

This week’s painting continues the theme of grace. Grace for the Day, 9” x 12” watercolor painting, speaks to me of this daily gift of grace – an inviting dock on a secluded, quiet lake. What a tremendous blessing!