Sunday, December 31, 2023

Close of 2023

It's officially New Year’s Eve and at this point in the evening, we aren’t making any promises about seeing the new year in tonight. We are recovering from icky colds, so we can actually fall asleep just by sitting in the big recliners! Yet In spite of the losses and sadnesses of this year, we are looking with hope to this new year. God is faithful and we are holding on to His promises for good in our lives. We have been tremendously blessed with good health, loving family and friends, and meaningful work. We are so thankful!

After an odd December of balmy weather – temps in the 40’s and no snow – we had a spot of snow overnight and are anticipating much more in the days to come. January is known for blizzards in northern Wisconsin. It seemed like a good week to use my new tube of American Journey Peacock Blue and be inspired by a couple of Jan Swart ( birch trees. Blue Birches, 10” x 13” on 300 lb. hot press watercolor paper, captures the bright morning light and beautiful aqua-blue reflections of the water and light on birch trees.

Christmas Magic

As we see the close of 2023, it’s been an emotional year with an incredible loss of loved ones and illness. At this time, our oldest grandchild in in the hospital this week struggling with pneumonia and next weekend, we’ll be traveling to Iowa to celebrate the life of one of my cousins, Scott, who we recently lost, with the Hahn/Stull families. It all seems surreal, and I feel like I’m slogging through to Christmas. However, we are people of hope – and any random feelings that I may be having are just that – feelings. We will be attending grandchildren's Christmas concerts this week and hearing the wondrous story once more and singing the favorite joyous songs. We are confident in this hope – that God loves us, is faithful, and has a plan for good for us. So we move forward in this amazing grace.

This week’s painting, Welcoming Committee, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures a favorite scene – a mama ewe and her shy lamb greeting strangers on the path.