Sunday, September 25, 2022

Back to Birch Trees!

One of my favorite Facebook groups is the North Shore Vibe. Its members are photographers and outdoorists who love everything about the North Shore. One of those dedicated members is Jan Swart, a talented professional photographer who posts daily – yes, every day – a new picture on the site of some fresh perspective of the incredible land, cities and lake of this region. For me, there isn’t anyone better for taking incredible photos of birch trees. She has a tremendous gift for catching the light on these incredible trees. Last week, she posted a new photo of a group of birch trees, and I messaged her to see if I could have permission to paint this amazing photograph. And she graciously said yes! This week’s painting, Birch Stand, 8” x 11” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures a beautiful fall moment in the midst of a northern woods.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Changing Seasons

There is a definite change in the air. Yesterday’s high was about 90 degrees and today we are closing windows and turning on the heat - with the low tonight in the 40’s! But I love this time of the year – flannel is a favorite attire, so I’m happily reaching to the back of my closet and getting out warmer shirts and pajamas! And in celebration of our 14th Anniversary yesterday, I planted 125 bulbs in our front “meadow” – alliums, daffodils, tulips and anemones will hopefully fill in that area. I’ll plant more daffodils this weekend – it makes such a joyful display in the spring. 

This week’s painting is a Liltie Series, Country School, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, reflects a total change of season with a remote schoolhouse in the heart of winter. 


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Windows as art

If you've followed this blog for a while, you probably know that I have a collection of photographs that I’ve carried from place to place with me for many years. A few of these photos feature incredibly beautiful windows that have piqued my attention and ignited a creative spark. This photo is one that I’ve wanted to paint for a long time – it's just so attactive and I wanted to use it to enhance my skills in painting the well-positioned logs perfectly framing this small pine log window and planter box. This week’s painting, Log Window is a 4” x 6” Liltie Series watercolor, with a window adorned with flowers and reflecting the blue summer sky.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Catching the Light

Thankful today for those who purchase original art and the outstanding efforts of the Arts In Hand Gallery in Spooner. The dedicated volunteer staff continually ensures the space is a beautiful, state-of-the-art gallery. "Catching the Light" watercolor painting is going to a new home. Thank you!


This seems to be an ongoing theme these days – resiliency. Change is a given and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the dynamic outcomes happening in a continual state of change. As I’m working to find new ways in the unfolding circumstances, words like “be fleet and nimble” come to mind– sometimes meant for me or other times meant as encouraging messages for loved ones around me.  Through it all, we have hope, and the assurance that our God cares deeply about every hair on our heads. Think about that for a minute. We are not alone – not in the bright sunshine-y times of life nor in the depths of darkness or struggles.

And this resiliency is evident all around us – from my Mom having to adjust to new realities in her Assisted Living environment to grandchildren facing the challenges of a new school year. This week’s painting is a common theme in my paintings but every time it comes out a bit different. Liltie Series, Resolute One, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolorblock, reflects a sturdy pine tree with its roots firmly grounded in a formidable rock.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Appreciation to art patrons

Special thanks to those who purchase art at the Plum Bottom Gallery locations in Door County. These watercolor paintings are moving to new homes this month! I'm so very grateful to all who support the endeavors of local artists - Summer House; Sit a Spell; Ontonagon Light; and Copper Bay.

Preparing for upcoming art delivery!

It’s been a busy season at the Door County galleries, so I’m having a wonderful time painting new watercolors to deliver next month. Our grandchildren are growing way too fast, and two of our oldest are now in the 11th and 10th grades, respectively. Time seems a precious thing, and we have been trying to think of how to have a special time with these tw0. And now it looks like it will work for them to travel with us for a three-day art delivery trip to Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Sister Bay and all the other wonderful villages on this beautiful peninsula! This week’s painting, Daybreak, 4” x 6” watercolor captures the sun rising over the scenic waters of Green Bay in Lake Michigan.