Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Irish memories

Earlier this fall, we missed a highly anticipated trip to Ireland. At the time, Paul was recovering from a terrible allergic reaction, and we thought it best not to chance being overseas while he was still on antibiotics. It was a fair hit to the finances, but it was mostly just so disappointing – to miss out on seeing new sights in one of our favorite places and then getting to visit with dear friends in Holland.  However, we are hoping to go another time soon.

In the meantime, I’m working to expand my line of Irish cottage cards for market. This week, Summer Reflections, is a 5”x 7” painting on 300 lb. Watercolor paper. The full line of Wild River Art cards is available through the “Legends of the Celts” Irish shop in Hayward, WI.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Season of Thanksgiving

It’s another year of Christmas music and movies playing non-stop from November 1st on. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Hallmark movies, but I’m a huge fan of Thanksgiving, too. It’s a special holiday, a reminder of the good that comes from caring for each other and sharing from our own bounty, and a wonderful time of gathering together with family. It was a joy last night to facetime with three grandsons, a couple of hours away from our house, and see them dancing around their house and wearing their handmade Thanksgiving hats! We are blessed that it will work for 21 of us to gather at Mom’s new place this weekend for an early Thanksgiving. She’s excited about the event, but we’re a “joyously enthusiastic” family (o.k. – we’re loud!!), and now with 10 active cousins under the age of 13 as part of the festivities, it was a wonderful relief to hear from the staff that they are so happy when families choose to gather together within the retirement center. Everyone is bringing something to share, and at our house, the first batch of lefse came off the griddle last night and today we’ll make the apple pies. We wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving!

This week, I’m back to sheep! Sheep have been such an important part of my life. For many years, I raised a small flock of black sheep on the edge of the Red River Valley in North Dakota and was part of an amazing fiber guild. The women in the group shared their talents for all things fiber and faithfully came to gatherings from regions around the Dakotas and southern Manitoba. It was an inspiring time of my life and served to shape much of what I am today. It was such fun to paint, Keeping Watch, 7”x10” Watercolor on 300 lb. paper.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Snowy Barns

Can’t believe we’re into November already! We’ve had a wonderful fall with lots of outings to see the changing of the trees in this area. Along with spectacular scenery on the North Shore of Minnesota, our own woods here in northwestern Wisconsin put on a spectacular show. We are surrounded by large Maple trees, and they were so pretty this year. I love living in an area that has four definite seasons, and now I’m looking forward to the arrival of snow. We had a brief taste of it this past weekend when 5” of snow fell overnight. It didn’t last long, but with family here for a visit, it was such fun us to spend time building snowmen and enjoying a campfire in the snow.

And I’m beginning to think of upcoming holiday celebrations. This week’s painting, Snowy Barns 8”x10” on 300 lb. Watercolor paper, reminds me of one of my favorite activities – walking through a quiet woods and watching snow fall on a rural farm scene.