Friday, January 27, 2023

Fun with Sheep

It’s another snowy day, and we just keep shoveling here in Wisconsin! It’s been a January of record snowfall as is surely indicated by the massive heaps of crusted ice off our deck and driveway. At this point, others would probably close their house and head south! However, we are strong-hearted northerners! Haha! The real reaon is that we have a passel of elderly charges – today snoring in their favorite spots – two cocker spaniels, ages almost 13 and 16; and two cats, ages 18 and 5. And so we stay and cater to them – opening doors to let them out, re-opening quickly to let them back in; feeding at their designated times (based scientifically on the light hitting them on their comfy chair); and helping them on to their favorite beds at night. Not that we are trained or anything! In the midst of it all, we are thankful for them – they are such loyal and good companions and we wouldn’t trade this time with them for anything.

And so today, I’m back to painting a favorite subject – sheep! These three have been among my favorite photographs for many years, and it was time to bring them on to the easel. One of the hooks for me is the intense blue-green color on the buildings in the background juxtaposing off the light on the sheep. This week’s painting, Amigos, 8” x 12” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures these three characters seemingly posing for the camera.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Playing with water colors!

A fun exercise in landscape watercolor painting is to match the colors of the sky to the reflected colors in the trees, rocks and water. This is especially true with the intense colors of a sunset. One of the keys to making a landscape painting look realistic, if you add a color in one area (sky), you need to add the same color in the water. In this week’s painting, by adding mineral violet in the water, I also add a touch of mineral violet to the top edges of the sky.

This week’s painting, Easy Going, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures the end of a day paddling on a quiet body of water.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


For me, the presence of a tree growing out of sheer rock is an amazing feat. It speaks to me of a fierce determination to survive and reminds me of the importance of growing where you land; blooming where you’re planted.

This week, we’re back to Door County and the seemingly indestructible trees growing out of the rugged Dolomite Ridge rock of that region. Steadfast, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures an enduring scene against the beautiful waters of Lake Michigan.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Loving the Lilties!

A couple of years ago, an artist friend suggested that it might be a good idea for me to paint smaller. He’d found that his “mini” photographs sold well at art shows, and it has turned out to be a such a wonderful avenue for me to explore and create. The 4” x 6” format fits perfectly into shorter timeframes in my studio which sometimes has been needed during this time of providing care for my Mom. And Paul does a wonderful job of framing – leaving a beautiful margin of the natural watercolor paper between the painting, double mats and frame. These smaller paintings seemed to need a title, so I named them for the Irish small songs, “lilties" - and these paintings remind me of small watercolor songs.

This week’s painting, Rustic Retreat, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures a remote cabin on a quiet lake.  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Time to paint!

It’s cold here in Wisconsin, but the quiet days of January bring wonderful times for painting. I’m preparing to update my watercolor displays in February at the Arts In Hand Gallery in Spooner and the Plum Bottom Gallery in Door County, so it's a great time to paimt This week’s painting, Sunset View, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, reflects a spot perfect for taking in the last rays of the day.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Summer Splash

Nothin’ finer in the summer sunshine than enjoying the play of shadows and light while floating on the river. While soaking up the bright warm sunshine seems amazing (especially to those of us in the middle of a North Country January!),  there is wonderful balance in just floating through the soft spots of cool shade. 

This Liltie Series painting, Summer Splash, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures that special moment of paddling from bright sunshine into the deep shade.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Band on the Road

Sometimes it takes a while for a photograph to “speak” – in other words, to inspire me to take up the brush and paint. However, if it’s sheep or birch trees, you can be pretty sure that it will only be a day or two or three before the image begins to emerge on my easel!

This week’s painting, is surely one of my favorites – Band on the Road, 9” x 12” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures a much-loved scene of the sheep taking the perfect route – right down the road – to the next green pasture.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Snow Days!

It’s been an astonishing winter already. Typically,  we have a bit of snow in December and then cold, cold in  January followed by major snows in February and March. Well, this year, we have had a massive amount of snow . . . and it’s only January. Paul has shoveled paths/tunnels around the yard for Maddie and Kirby  and we’re rapidly running out of places to pile up the snow. But the scene outside our door balances out the exercise we’re getting – the surrounding woods are gorgeous with every tree fringed in white.

And it’s the perfect time to paint! This week’s Liltie Series painting, Afternoon Paddle, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures a special moment of a kayaker floating on quiet water.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Celebrating January!

As we move into this new year, we are thankful for so many blessings. We got to be with most of our children and families during the Christmas season, although we missed seeing Jack, Ryley and Mychal. And then we gathered on December 24 to celebrate my mom’s 90th birthday with family and dear friends.

I’m honored to be selected by Phipps Art Center of Hudson, WI, to have two art exhibits this summer, so I’m busy painting! And in the heart of winter, it’s always fun to paint the warm days of summer! This week’s painting, Before the Dawn, 8” x 11” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures an early morning paddle.