Friday, June 8, 2018

Summer vacation and llamas!

Today marked the last day of school for two of our grandsons. Each year, their school celebrates the end of the year with a Shakespeare Festival, and it is quite the event. At 3rd and 1st grade, the boys continually astound us with their ability to memorize and deliver complicated stories and sonnets with confidence and the appropriate inflexion! The performances are followed by a medieval fair in the “meadow” across the street. Even though it’s a piece of city-owned land adjacent to a freeway wall, for this fair, it is transformed into a magical place of music, face painting, juggling, maypole dancing, archery contests, dunking tanks and food trucks. And so begins . . . summer vacation! Yay!

And once again, I’m captured by llamas – this time it’s a special herd belonging to friends in the area. The painting, Reflecting on Llamas, 8”x10” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, features a wonderful group (including a new baby cria) enjoying the warmth of spring sunshine.

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