Monday, March 6, 2023

March . . . in like a lion!

We are enjoying our second snowstorm of March, and it’s only the 6th! We feel resigned to endless shoveling and chopping ice, but are not without hope! The cold continues, but you can feel that the sunshine is gaining warmth every day. There are more bird voices in the woods and rumor has it that the Sandhill Cranes are moving north and should be here soon – massive snowbanks or not! We are so grateful for the gifts of Faith and Hope! What a tremendous joy to be able to trust God and look forward with confidence to Spring coming again.

While winter seems long – especially this year – I’m grateful for the times of quiet when I can focus and paint. A couple of months ago, I moved my studio from our kitchen island to a designated space in our great room and it’s working out so well! A few years, we worked with our carpenter and electrician friends to build a workroom downstairs – with the idea that it would be my studio space. However, it quickly became a perfect office and framing space for Paul. It turns out that I need the light and the connectedness to the scenery outside our windows. So now, I have wonderful views of the woods and lake, along with the companionship of our four furry animals who follow me endlessly from room to room!

This week’s painting, Moonlight on Birches, 9” x 14” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures light in a dark woods through the amazing night sky reflections off side-by-side birch trees.


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