Saturday, February 11, 2023

Planning Ahead!

It may seem like a long way off, but June will be here before we know it. And this year, I’m honored to be the featured artist chosen by the Phipps Center for the Arts of Hudson for an exhibit at the Westfield’s Hospital & Clinic Gallery in New Richmond, WI. The exhibit is slated for June through September 2023, and I’m preparing to have 20 fresh paintings ready to go for the event. And of course, it’s vital to have most of these paintings completed by the end of this LONG winter! When the warm weather arrives, for at least a few weeks, my whole focus moves to digging in the dirt and getting my gardens planted. Today, I ordered my cosmos seeds and already have most of my annual garden plans drawn up. And you know that Paul is totally energized by the thought of Spring! Haha! With 13 gardens, there always seems to be a never-ending list of to-do projects!   

This week’s painting, Moody Blue, 4” x 6” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures the evening light on a remote lake island.

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