Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Those Irish Sheep . . .

A few years ago, we traveled with my mom to celebrate life milestones with family friends in The Netherlands and then took a few days to visit Ireland. It was such a wonderful time of relaxing and catching up with dear ones in beautiful Nijmegen, Holland, and then seeing new places along the Irish coast. Mom had discovered that she had family roots in Finney, Ireland, so we spent a day navigating the lanes to this village and having a lovely lunch in the Larches Bar of Finney. The trip actually was a nerve-wracking, exhilarating adventure with Paul driving on the wrong side of the car, on the wrong side of the road, my mom trying to read the map in the front seat and me jumping out of the back seat at every stop to take photos of the amazing scenery. And most of these photos were of the free-grazers – those rugged bands of sheep roaming along the side of the road, running down a lonely track to the sea or just spun out across the green hills. At one point, when we were forced to stop for a huge tour bus navigating a narrow rural bridge (by taking in all of their mirrors), I hopped out for one more picture and my mom turned to ask: “Deb, don’t you have enough pictures of sheep?” And of course, I had to reply: “Can you ever have enough sheep, Mom?”

So here’s another one. This week’s painting, Hill and Dale Sheep, 9” x 9” on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures a band of free-grazers roaming along a patch of rocky hillside.

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