Saturday, April 1, 2023

Hopes for April

March has been a banner month of cold weather and yesterday it went out with snow, hail, rain, thunder and lightning! We woke up this April Fool’s Day to 9” of new wet-heavvy snow. They say Midwesterners spend a lot of time talking about the weather, but it’s hard not to when it’s changing every 5 minutes and the Winter of 2023 just won’t go away. 

I’m dealing with the ongoing effects of missing a step and falling face first on the way up to a shop in Door County a couple of weeks ago. My incredible black eye has healed, but I ended up in the ER at Stillwater this week because of bouts of lightheadedness. Everything checked out o.k. but the symptoms continue so I’m going to try PT next week. This winter, for the first time in my life, I had vertigo due to an ear infection, and I think maybe the fall triggered some of those effects again. As you can imagine, we are so ready for the wonderful healing of sunshine, fresh air and green grass of Spring!

This week’s painting takes us back to the Gaellic hills - thanks to a photo sent by our lovely Scot/Irish cousin. Roving Free, 8” x 12” matted and on 300 lb. watercolor paper, captures Highland lassies enjoying the view from a country lane.


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