Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Madelyn Rose

We said goodbye to our sweet Maddie yesterday. She was our much-loved black cocker spaniel, Madelyn Rose, and we are feeling lost. At almost 16 years of age, she gave us a lifetime of adventures and so much unconditional love and happy times. She totally trained Paul and I and quickly established her feeding times, rightful place in the back seat of the pickup and unquestionable spot on the bed. She lived happily with our critters: tolerating Zach (18 years and alpha cat); ignoring Bailey (5 years and still the newbie cat), and last year, making room in the house for Kirby Puckett, our rescued 13-year-old cocker spaniel. About two weeks ago, we realized Maddie was blind and our mission became to make her comfortable and safe and to help her live with dignity. On Monday, April 3, she let us know that it was time to let her go. We are so grateful for Doc Springer and the wonderfully caring team at Interstate Vet Clinic, and for all the sweet family and friends who made each day of Maddie’s life special.

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