Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Fall Updates

We picked a beautiful Tuesday to drive up to Spooner to deliver new artwork to the Arts In Hand Gallery. I love these “high plain” days - bright warm sunshine, light breeze and  low humidity. After the hot weather of the last two months, these sun-filled days of fall feel like such a relief. And it was lovely to catch up with Joan W. and have her help in updating my display space at this beautiful gallery. The all-volunteer artist members have worked tirelessly to make this such a welcoming space and build it into a tremendous art asset for the area.  Here’s my refreshed space - with new and favorite watercolors:

This week’s painting is another in the Liltie Series - Geese on Patrol, 4” x 6” watercolor captures a gaggle of geese on a vigilant march around the farmyard.

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