Friday, October 6, 2023

Change of Seasons

We’ve been blessed with wonderful rains these past few weeks. Years ago, after enduring a few drought cycles on the North Dakota prairie, rain became such an extraordinary gift - and one that I don’t take for granted. For farmers, the rain often means life and the promise of another season of growing. As an avid gardener and lover of the outdoors, rain means renewal of the land and bountiful lakes and streams. We celebrated the rain this past weekend working with our ongoing “meadow project” in the front yard. On only a half-acre lot, our meadow is just an organic strip of lawn I’ve been planting spring flowers in. On Sunday, it was a gorgeous warm day, and we used my handy-dandy Monty Don’s Sneeboer & Zn bulb planter to plant 189 daffodil, tulips and alliums. So looking forward to next Spring! 

This week’s painting reflects the change of seasons in the Northwoods and the vital importance of abundant rains.  “Autumn Cascade,” 9” x 11” on 300 lb watercolor paper, gives credit to North Shore photographer, Jan Swart and reflects my impression of one of her incredible Lake Superior photographs. 


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